Salam, my name is El-Zafarani. I'm a Humanitarian Aid - Development practitioner currently based in Lebanon.

I have been delivering humanitarian & development projects for the last 7 years across the Middle East North Africa regions, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Myanmar. I'm currently focused on delivering Emergency, Education, FSL, WASH, and Shelter projects across Lebanon, Gaza, Syria and Yemen.

In-between projects, I work with national NGO's to help build their capacity, covering topical areas that include but not limited to: donor/opportunities mapping, review of policies & procedures, project design/proposal writing and project delivery optimisation.

Having worked directly with development contractors, UN agencies, international NGOs, Islamic faith inspired NGOs, as well as local NGOs in emergency, humanitarian and stablisation contexts, I have a sound track-record in building and leading consortiums, problem solving and overall client relationship management.

Through this page I aim to share my observations as well as best practices learned on the way of my involvement in various projects and ultimately connecting with colleagues to receive feedback for mutual growth & improvement.